October 31, 2006, 8:19pm
Throughout my Message controller, I do this a lot:
@message = Message.find(params[:id],:conditions => ["user_id = ?",
@session ['user'].id])
Since you need to authenticate to use this app, is there a way i can
tie the Accounts model in with the Message model so I dont have to pass
in the user_id everytime?
(Pat Maddox)
October 31, 2006, 9:11pm
Do you have a helper method that provides the current user? Something like:
def current_user
@cur_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id])
Then set up a relationship in your user model:
class User < AR::Base
has_many :messages
then you can do
If you go through the messages relation, it constricts it only to
those messages that have the user_id belonging to that user.
Alternatively you could do
Message.find_by_id_and_user_id(params[:id], session[:user_id])
or set up a method in your Message class.
I think setting up the has_many :messages association and going
through that would be the most idiomatic way.
Also use the accessor method session instead of the instance variable
@session , which is deprecated.