Hello "Dark" (strange first name, but, hey, thats what makes the world
go round*
I do something similiar to what your asking, except I use Agent's
and their currency. The quirk comes that if an agent only has one
currency, then it shouldn't even offer a select box, but rather default
to the single currency. Here is how I do it, you can take from it what
you want (or not, your choice ;);
<% agent_change_ajax = remote_function(:update => :currencyList,
:url => { :controller => 'agent', :action =>
:list_currency_ajax_search },
:with => "'agentid='+value")
<label for="booking_agent">The Agent for this Booking is : </label>
<%= select('booking', 'agent', Agent.default_quickbook_options,
{ :selected => 2828 }, { :onchange => agent_change_ajax }) %>
<div id="currencyList">
<label for="booking_currency">Which Currency should this Booking
be made in : </label>
<!-- setup the default currency for the first pass //-->
<%= select('booking', 'currency', Currency.currency_options, {
:selected => 2 }) %>
def list_currency_ajax_search
myAgent = Agent.find(params['agentid'])
@currencies = myAgent.currency # obtained by the model Agent
having a relation to currencies
render(:layout=>false,:partial => 'list_currency_ajax_search')
<% if @currencies.size == 1 %>
<input type="hidden" id="booking_currency" name="booking[currency]"
value="<%= @currencies.
first.currency_id %>" />
<label for="booking_currency">Agent only accepts <%=
@currencies.first.iso_code %> </label>
<% else %>
<label for="booking_currency">Which Currency should this Booking be
made in : </label>
<select id="booking_currency" name="booking[currency]">
<option value="" selected="selected">Please Select One</option>
<% for currency in @currencies do -%>
<option value="<%= currency.id %>"><%= currency.iso_code
<% end -%>
<% end %>
Hopefully, you should get an idea of what to do from this. I would
say having an 'onchange' is better than having a constantly polling
observer, but, I am not 1000% sure that observe_field does what I think
it does. Eh. ymmv '
(* apparently so does ; love, money, sex and rock n roll)
Dark Ambient wrote: