Help Wanted: RailsInCocoa

This is being cross posted in the Rails-Talk and in Ruby-Talk mailing list, apologies if it hits you twice.

I am looking for collaborators on a project aimed at getting a web server hosting a rails application running inside of a Cocoa (Mac OS X) application. The ideal would then be to distribute it as an Xcode project template that can be used as a starting point for developers who want to do this type of thing.

The general idea would be to provide a client/server type application, where the clients connect to the server via a web browser. The server side code, which is a rails application, interacts with the Objective-C host that is serving it via the RubyCocoa bridge. Acknowledging the limitations of web applications, you would then have a cross platform client solution (provided your platform has a decent web browser).

One use for this would be to potentially provide a multi user interface to any scriptable app.

I put together a very limited proof of concept together that I am happy to share with anyone interested. It provides the ability to start WEBrick from Cocoa and have it display the default rails index page, but thats it (I did say limited). Just to clarify, I am not talking about shelling out, WEBrick is running inside of the Cocoa application.

If you are interested in helping get this off the group or think this is a ridiculous idea, please let me know.

After a quick look, Locomotive seems to be crucially different. It runs rails by shelling out. I am actually talking about running rails inside of Cocoa.

Thanks for the heads up though. I didn't know about it.