Help uninstalling rails on OSX

I am on an Intel Mac and I have rails 1.2.5 installed with the dependencies. In a video-training that I'm following right now I tired to update the gems and the generate rdoc via the terminal. It didn't work. How can I uninstall rails and all the dependencies (is this necessary?) and start over with a fresh install?

Thank you for helping out with this noob-question, I made a search but the answers are all tied to other problems and I am not experienced enough to understand them.

One fellow noob to another (I just railified my mac last week): Doesnt' really answer your question, but I followed the install instructions at

And it worked like a charm, and taught me A LOT about the command line on my mac. (There really is a UNIX box under there). You might be able to see what your problem is by follwing it.

"It didn't work" usually implies one of four outcomes:

1. You manually put some documentation files into some files from /usr/local/lib/ruby, as well as copies of random system files and a picture of your ex-wife.

2. You had originally run 'gem install' with sudo, but went to run the doc install without sudo, thus getting a permissions error.

3. You thought about installing docs, but since you have not actually yet completed your psychic training, the city of Phoenix caught fire, and entire state of Arizona is at risk. The National Guard confiscated your machine and secured it in a lead box through which your psychic powers can do no further damage.

4. rdoc got confused by directories that looked like existing directories, and issued an error to that effect.

If #1 or #3, I can't help you. Also can anyone from Phoenix please mail me off-list to let me know they're ok?

If #2, run the commands with 'sudo' to override permissions.

If #4, rdoc will have complained that the directory looks like it's already in use. Create a 'created.rid' file in the directory so rdoc knows it's working with an rdoc directory.

If none of the above describe your problem then please describe (a) what you did, (b) what you expected to happen, (c) what actually happened, and (d) anything else you can think of that might be relevant (e.g. how you installed rails, any specific config, etc.).


1. You manually put some documentation files into some files from / usr/local/lib/ruby, as well as copies of random system files and a
picture of your ex-wife

No. I swear I let the machine do it I didn't touch any of those young files your honor!

3. You thought about installing docs, but since you have not
actually yet completed your psychic training, the city of Phoenix
caught fire, and entire state of Arizona is at risk.

It's funny you should mention this psychic training, did you undergo a similar one? BTW I'm running low on black fluid can you send some my way?

4. rdoc got confused by directories that looked like existing
directories, and issued an error to that effect.

I am almost sure it's this one. The error message mentionned something about not wanting to risk deleting files and asking for an alternate directory. I installed using the same tutorial as f212 on Hive Logic, but when the version was < 1.2.5. I was updating the gem via "gem update --system" and then tried to generate the html version of the docs. How do I go about creating this .rid file then? Or is it not better to erase my city and so getting rid of this install of Rails and start rebuilding (the houses etc.. and the install?)

Yours truely, Castillo

I reinstalled OS X once cause i tried every which way of installing ruby over the factory install (tarball, fink, macport) and my poor Powerbook was confused. Didn't take that long, but if you used source or macports, you can probably recover from your problems. I think all the common problems (path around /usr/bin for ruby, readline, OpenSSL, native libs like ferret and Rmagick, gems, zlib) are pretty well documented.

Whatever method you choose I recommend writing down exactly what you did for the installs, starting with the XCode install.

4. rdoc got confused by directories that looked like existing directories, and issued an error to that effect.

I am almost sure it's this one. The error message mentionned something about not wanting to risk deleting files and asking for an alternate directory.


How do I go about creating this .rid file then?

rdoc will complain about a specific path app appearing to be an existing rdoc path, e.g. /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/activerecord-1.15.5/ri/ . This will be related to a specific gem (ActiveRecord, i in the example above. If you put a created.rid file in the directory and re-install the relevant gem the install will see the directory as an rdoc dir and install. Given the example above:


We'd want to:

touch /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/activerecord-1.15.5/ri/created.rid

Note this is just a matter of creating (touch) the file (created.rid) in the path that rdoc complained about.

If you installed somewhere requiring permissions then you'll want to tack a 'sudo' on the front of that:

sudo touch /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/activerecord-1.15.5/ri/created.rid
