Help Query Cache

Well folks let me try to explain my problem. I have a database of musics and each music can have multiple artists through other table/model in the case Performers. I would like to record music in new/edit add artists and select them via a combo-box, used a simple collection_select, and used to add a new one a UJS i see on Railscasts. In the testing phase with few records everything was fine, but I have a legacy database table where the artists have 62k records. Well .. sure takes 18s to execute the query and render the page. and if I try to add a new artist with javascript app dies. I tried to use fragment caching to the select this did not work. I also tried using memcached, it is limited to 1M, and my query takes 5M, removed this limit and yet the system continues crashing when I add the javascript. my knowledge (almost none) to prevent me from creating javascript Another method of adding artists. I do not know if there is a way to improve performance through caching or whether it is design problem. The environment is: Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 2.3.3, MySQL 5.5 if someone could understand my problem and it is with great humor can look at this code snippet

Since already thank you very much.

Well folks let me try to explain my problem.

I have a database of musics and each music can have multiple

artists through other table/model in the case Performers.

I would like to record music in new/edit add

artists and select them via a combo-box, used a

simple collection_select, and used to add a new one a UJS

i see on Railscasts.

In the testing phase with few records everything was fine, but I have

a legacy database table where the artists have 62k records.

Well … sure takes 18s to execute the query and render the

page. and if I try to add a new artist with javascript

app dies.

Unless I’m missing something you have a line

<%= f.collection_select :artist_id, Artist.find_ordened_artists, :id, :name ,:prompt => ‘Selecionar Artista’ %>

that is rendering all 62,000 records…

That’s just not going to work. Not only will it likely overload everything, it’s also unusable for a user to browse through.

You’ll want to look at doing an AJAX autocomplete box or similar.

was thinking about it now, thank you for help.