Help needed to DRY helpers and proper MVC with Ruby


I'm still fumbling learning RoR, so I apologize in advance.

I've got working code, but I don't think that it's done properly so any help to make this more efficient and most of all, correct, would be so very appreciated.

In my users_helper.rb file

def generate_sub_nav    if session[:user]       sub_nav_menu =      user = User.find(session[:user])         for role in user.roles           for right in role.rights             if right.on_menu       sub_nav_menu <<             end         end # for right       end # for role     end # if      sub_nav_menu.sort!   end # def

In my application_helper.rb file for the layout and display

def show_sub_nav(rights)   html_out = '<table><tr><td>'

  for right in rights     right_array = Right.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", right])     for menu in right_array       html_out << link_to_unless_current (, :controller => menu.controller, :action => menu.action)     end   end #for right in rights

  html_out << '</td></tr></table>'   html_out end

In my controllers (not including the user_controller)

helper :users

There's got to be a better, more Ruby like way to do this.


In my users_helper.rb file

def generate_sub_nav    if session[:user]       sub_nav_menu =      user = User.find(session[:user])         for role in user.roles           for right in role.rights             if right.on_menu       sub_nav_menu <<             end         end # for right       end # for role     end # if      sub_nav_menu.sort!   end # def

First, you might map rights to users through roles:

class User < ActiveDirectory::Base   has_many :rights, :through :roles end

Then you could reduce that method to:

def generate_sub_nav   if session[:user] && user = User.find(session[:user]) {|right| right.on_menu}.sort   end end

note that I'm returning an enumeration of Rights objects, not an enumeration of Right object ids

In my application_helper.rb file for the layout and display

def show_sub_nav(rights)   html_out = '<table><tr><td>'

  for right in rights     right_array = Right.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", right])     for menu in right_array       html_out << link_to_unless_current (, :controller => menu.controller, :action => menu.action)     end   end #for right in rights

  html_out << '</td></tr></table>'   html_out end

def show_sub_nav(rights)   html_out = '<table><tr><td>'   rights.each do |right|     html_out << link_to_unless_current(h(, {:controller=>right.controller, :action=>right.action})   end   html_out << '</td></tr></table>'   html_out end

Other things you could do include including the roles and/or rights in the User.find method call, limiting the rights to those with the on_menu attribute, and ordering the results by right id instead of sorting the Rights objects.

You might also want to consider loading the User object from the session[:user] id in a filter instead of doing it in the helper, since you're likely to want to use your User object in a variety of different places.

I also wonder if show_sub_nav really merits a helper method at all. If it were me, I'd just put this chunk of code in your standard layout wrapper.

- donald

Thanks so much for taking the time to work with me on this. I'm learning so much from user groups!

Here are a couple of things that I tried with results and questions.

I have this in my user.rb file

has_many :roles has_many :rights, :through => :roles

But now I get a MySQL error because it's looking for a column that does not exist

Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column 'roles.user_id'

The roles table doesn't have a user_id field. I have roles and users connected through the roles_users table.

The show_sub_nav is part of the menu and was put into the application_helper.rb file so that it could be accessed by the entire application. I wasn't able to figure out where else to put it.

I'll keep working through the rest of your suggestions to see how I can create better code.


Also as an FYI, the users, roles and rights design was taken from the Pragmatic Programmers Rails Recipes book.

Thanks so much for taking the time to work with me on this.
I'm learning so much from user groups!

No problem.

Here are a couple of things that I tried with results and questions.

I have this in my user.rb file

has_many :roles has_many :rights, :through => :roles

But now I get a MySQL error because it's looking for a column that does not exist

Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column 'roles.user_id'

The roles table doesn't have a user_id field. I have roles and users connected through the roles_users table.

Oops, I've led you astray then. I'm actually a bit surprised what you have works then, I thought when you did habtm you needed to tag both ends of the relationship as has_and_belongs_to_many. C'e la vie, disregard that portion of my suggestions.

It's perhaps worth your while to try using the :include feature of Base.find. Something like:

User.find(session[:user], :include=>{:roles=>{:rights}})

should load the user data along with its roles and rights all in one query. I may have the syntax wrong, this is from memory.

The show_sub_nav is part of the menu and was put into the application_helper.rb file so that it could be accessed by the entire application. I wasn't able to figure out where else to put it.

Most folks would use ActionView's layout feature for this, I suspect.

- donald

Would I incorporate this into this block here?

  def generate_sub_nav   if session[:user] && user = User.find(session[:user], :include=>{:roles=> :rights}) {|right| right.on_menu}.sort   end

If so, then I get this error

undefined method `rights' for #<User:0xc966b4c>

But, I also removed this line

has_many :rights, :through => :roles

Basically, replaced one error with a new one.

I'm getting really lost now.

Does anyone know what needs to change? Do I need to add back in ":throgh" and then make changes elsewhere?

Thanks for the help!