I'm still fumbling learning RoR, so I apologize in advance.
I've got working code, but I don't think that it's done properly so any help to make this more efficient and most of all, correct, would be so very appreciated.
In my users_helper.rb file
def generate_sub_nav if session[:user] sub_nav_menu = user = User.find(session[:user]) for role in user.roles for right in role.rights if right.on_menu sub_nav_menu << right.id end end # for right end # for role end # if sub_nav_menu.sort! end # def
In my application_helper.rb file for the layout and display
def show_sub_nav(rights) html_out = '<table><tr><td>'
for right in rights right_array = Right.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ?", right]) for menu in right_array html_out << link_to_unless_current (menu.name, :controller => menu.controller, :action => menu.action) end end #for right in rights
html_out << '</td></tr></table>' html_out end
In my controllers (not including the user_controller)
helper :users
There's got to be a better, more Ruby like way to do this.