HELP -- I'm missing something

in application controller

@upcomingevents = Event.all

in application layout

<% @upcomingevents.each do |upcomingevent| %> <%= %> <% end %>

there are events.. but i get an error of

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass) on line #77 of app/views/layouts/application.html.erb: 74: <%= content_tag :p, msg, :class => key, :id => key -%> 75: <% end -%> 76: 77: <% @upcomingevents.each do |upcomingevent| %> 78: <%= upcomingevent %> 79: <% end %> 80: <div id="content" class="content">

It would guess that Event.all returned nil. Did you mean to say Event.find(:all) ?

I;ve tried both ways of selecting the data.. and the log shows select * from events.. and doing the find in the console works fine.

Drrr make a function.. and call it with a before filter..

James Englert wrote:

It would guess that Event.all returned nil. Did you mean to say Event.find(:all) ?

In recent versions of Rails, those two are equivalent. (Of course, we don't know what version the OP is using...)


In this sort of situation where one cannot see the cause of the problem by inspection I use ruby-debug to break into the controller and the view to check the value of variables. This usually gives useful clues.


Well since Event.all should have returned an array and not thrown an error, my guess is there is a problem with your model/database. Go into the terminal and open up a session using script/console, at the prompt enter Event.all and see what it returns...