
what is the syntax for getting the selected value in select_tag for example : in model

  @customer = Customer.find(:all).map{ |i| i.name}   redirect_to :action => 'show',:name=>@customer

i given like this to get the value from database and for view

<%= select_tag (:name, options_for_select(@customer.each{ |name| puts name })) %>

<p><label for="name">Name</label><br/> <%= text_field 'customer','name' %></p>

<p><label for="place">Place</label><br/> <%=text_field 'customer','place'%></p>

<p><label for="balance">Balance</label><br/> <%= text_field 'daily','balance' %></p>

<p><label for="todays">Todays Amount</label><br/> <%= text_field 'customer', 'todays' %></p> i have this code ...

how to solve this please reply me

Hi selva,

If you want to set a default value for a select tag using the select_tag helper, you cant.

Try using select instead,

<%= select :foo, :name, @customer.collect(&:name), {:selected => @customer.last.name}, {:name => ‘name’, :id => ‘name’} %>