Hashes and Regexes and Special Characters

I am rolling my own smiley/emoticon generator. A lot of this has do do with my less than stellar knowledge of ruby, so if this is better asked on a ruby list, let me know and I'll move along...

I have text based emoticon replacement working fine. I use a hash to define the text/image pairs like this...

emotes = {   :wow => "wow.gif",   :lol => "lol.gif" }

I then have a simple regex that goes through the text and plucks out [:key] and replaces it with an image tag.

The problem is I would also like to do conversion of :slight_smile: :open_mouth: :frowning: and such. I'm running into trouble setting up my hash like that.

I can't seem to use special characters like : or ( in a key. So I actually made two hashes, one with description/emote_text pairs and one with description/image pairs like so...

special_keys = {   :smile => ":)"   :frown => ":frowning: } special_emotes = {   :smile => "regular_smile.gif"   :frown => "frown.gif" }

Then I thought I would regex something like

special_keys.each_value do |key| text=text.gsub(/#{key}/,"<img src=#{special_emotes[special_keys.index(#{key})]}>" end

Now, forgetting for the moment the right side of that regex, which I don't know if it will even work or not, the regex is failing because the ')' in #{key} is closing the regex early. So I thought I would get smart and escape the special characters in special_keys like so:

special_keys = {   :smile => ":\)" }

Which, to my suprise ends up as {:smile=>":)"}


About this time I figured I was trying too hard and that there's probably something shiny in ruby that will solve this little problem. Anyone out there an expert hash wrangler?


I reckon the reason that happens is because in a string, ) is a perfectly valid character but \) is an unknown character escape and so the \ gets dropped. You really don't want to be doing this by hand though, RegExp.quote will do that for you. Lastly you can have a symbol with anything you want in it, but you need to say :'here is a weird symbol'



Thank you SO much for your help. I managed to turn the mess of code I was writing into something very simple and rubyish.

I now have the following in my helper...