has_one :through belongs_to

Assuming the following model:

class Section < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :teacher   has_many :students end

class Teacher < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :sections   has_many :students, :through => :sections end

class Student < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :section   has_one :teacher, :through => :section end

When I try to access student.teacher, I get the error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: sections.section_id: SELECT "teachers".* FROM "teachers" INNER JOIN sections ON teachers.id = sections.teacher_id WHERE (("sections".section_id = 1))

Does anyone have any idea why it's looking for sections.section_id instead of sections.id?

It's funny because I just had the same problem in my project. It seems I was applying the has_to and the belongs_to on reverse. Allow me to explain: I had two classes called Ad and TenureCategory like this

class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :TenureCategory end

class TenureCategory < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :Ad end

when I tried to use these associations like Ads.find(:first).TenureCategory I also got an SQL error stating that either a column couldn't be found or an entire table. It seems like I got it wrong from the begining and, in fact, it's more appropiate to think that a TenureCategory has many Ads instead so I changed it like so:

class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :TenureCategory, :foreign_key => 'id' end

class TenureCategory < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :Ads end

and now it works perfectly! Perhaps in your case you should change the relationships about your models or specify a foreign key to join them. Hope I was of help

I think this is the same bug as:



Relationship names must be name of the table, which is plural.

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Relationship names must be plural? How do you figure? If B belongs_to A, you'd never say "B belongs to As." It's semantically confusing if that's the case. I tried this with no luck.

Relationship names must be plural? How do you figure? If B belongs_to A, you'd never say "B belongs to As." It's semantically confusing if that's the case. I tried this with no luck.

Nope it's just wrong. has_one and belongs_to are singular by
convention (although the name of an association can be anything you
want, following the convention just saves you from having to specify
the class and foreign key explicitly


Does anyone have any idea why it's looking for sections.section_id instead of sections.id?

has_one didn't support :through until Rails 2.1. Are you running 2.1?

Yep, I'm running the released version of 2.1.0.