has_one belongs_to ?

ok the models look like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_one :address

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user

and my tables:

users has has the normal id field.. and the addresses has user_id.

do I need a foriegn_key statement?

also the AR docs say the user_id should be automagicly populated.. if I have an account.. and I'm logged in and create an address... should it not get the user_id populated?

do I need a foriegn_key statement?

No, this is pretty rare. This is usually for odd joins or for legacy table layouts.

also the AR docs say the user_id should be automagicly populated.. if I have an account.. and I'm logged in and create an address... should it not get the user_id populated?

If you create a new user via some_address.user.new() or some_address.user.create() then everything will be linked together.

Easy as pie eh?

-Chuck Vose www.chuckvose.com

ok I'm a newbie and a newbie to OO programming!!!

here is what i got.. 1) the user creates an account via the restful_authentication gem 2) i have created a table addresses with a user_id field 3) setup the belongs_to has_one relationship 4) after the user autherizes the account they can login and access the site 5) and complete some forms about them selfs address etc...

what do i need to change when the address get saved to have it get linked to the account

    @address = Address.new(params[:address])