has_and_belongs_to_many DRY ?


I have many "has_and_belongs_to_many" that looks nearly the same, I wonder if I can do anything so I DRY myself? maybe write a plugin? What do you think?

The lines look like this.

  has_and_belongs_to_many :snippets,                           :class_name => 'Container::Snippet',                           :conditions => [ "containers.reference_type = 'Layout' AND containers.container_type = 'Snippet'" ]                           :join_table => :containers,                           :foreign_key => :reference_id,                           :association_foreign_key => :container_id

  has_and_belongs_to_many :modules,                           :class_name => 'Container::Module',                           :conditions => [ "containers.reference_type = 'Layout' AND containers.container_type = 'Module'" ]                           :join_table => :containers,                           :foreign_key => :reference_id,                           :association_foreign_key => :container_id

  has_and_belongs_to_many :texts,                           :class_name => 'Container::Text',                           :conditions => [ "containers.reference_type = 'Layout' AND containers.container_type = 'Text'" ]                           :join_table => :containers,                           :foreign_key => :reference_id,                           :association_foreign_key => :container_id

Hope someone have a solution, thanks for help :slight_smile:

Regards, Jamal