haml issue

Anyone know what's wrong with this haml that it's not displaying a chart (= @chart)?

    %table.body-layout           %tr             %td{:colspan => 2}               .panel#students-chart                 %h3.header Students                 #pieChart.content           - content_for :javascripts do             = @chart             %td               .panel#activity-chart                 %h3.header Activity                 .content

Thanks for any reply.

What kind of variable is @chart?

Leonardo Mateo wrote:

� � � � � �= @chart � � � � � �%td � � � � � � �.panel#activity-chart � � � � � � � �%h3.header Activity � � � � � � � �.content

Thanks for any reply. --

What kind of variable is @chart?

-- Leonardo Mateo. There's no place like ~

If I do this, it renders chart as text:

                %h3.header Students           #chart-container           - content_for :javascripts do           = @chart             %td

I had this problem before and it was related to indentation and haml.

Leonardo Mateo wrote:

� � � � � �= @chart � � � � � �%td � � � � � � �.panel#activity-chart � � � � � � � �%h3.header Activity � � � � � � � �.content

Thanks for any reply. --

What kind of variable is @chart?

-- Leonardo Mateo. There's no place like ~

If I do this, it renders chart as text:

Ok, and what do you have stored in @chart? I mean, what type should it be?

           %h3\.header Students
     \- content\_for :javascripts do
     = @chart

I had this problem before and it was related to indentation and haml.

Weird, haml is pretty strict with indentation, a mistake will raise a complie exception. I'm pretty sure you're not showing the data the way you should

The question about what kind of variable @chart is will be crucial in getting you any help. Also, it appears you might have intended = @chart to be indented beneath the content_for block, but it isn't.

You might want to join the haml mailing list on Google Groups for quick answers: http://groups.google.com/group/haml?hl=en