group by issue

I have a Person model and a Phone model.

A person can have any number of phones.

A phone has two attributes: type and number.

A phone type could be any of the followings: Home Work Mobile Fax Other

A person can have multiple records of home phones or any other phone type.

While displaying the phones this is what I am doing.

<% @phones.group_by(&:type).sort.each do |type, phones| %>

<%= render :partial => 'phone, :collection => @phones %> <br />

<% end %>

But the problem is that it is returning phone numebers in the following order: Fax Home Mobile Office Work

I want the phone numbers to be displayed in the following order: Work Mobile Home Fax Other

What’s the best way to achieve that?

“Best”, Hmm, don’t know, but here’s what I’ve done for similar reasons (mapped into your domain):

class Phone

SORT_ORDER = %w[ Work Mobile Home Fax Other ]

def self.pos phone_type=‘Other’




<% @phones.group_by(&:type).sort_by {|k,v| Phone.pos(k) }.each do |type, phones| %> <%= render :partial => ‘phone’, :collection => phones %>
<% end %>

(I fixed what looked like two typos in the render line as well: missing ’ and the collection from the block variable.)


Rob Biedenharn