Google map integration

Hi, I am doing a google map integration using "geokit" and "YM4R/GM" plugin. Whenever I am passing the "area name" the it is ,marking that in google map properly. But my client wants whenever user adds the "IT Companies in India" then GMap should mark all locations of india where the companies are located.

Can anyone tell how can I do this?

Thanks, Tushar

Tushar Gandhi wrote:

Hi, I am doing a google map integration using "geokit" and "YM4R/GM" plugin. Whenever I am passing the "area name" the it is ,marking that in google map properly. But my client wants whenever user adds the "IT Companies in India" then GMap should mark all locations of india where the companies are located.

Can anyone tell how can I do this?

Thanks, Tushar

you must each @company for marked, can do something like this.

@company.each_with_index do |company, i|   @map.center_zoom_init([company.latitude, company.longitude], scale) if i == 0   marker =[company.latitude, company.longitude],       :title => "#{}", :info_window => "#{ }<br/> #{vendor.address}.")     @map.overlay_init(marker) end

regards, Rifki Fauzi