Gmaps on Rails

I went ahead and called


Good debugging!

I found this to be a problem:

   Routing Error    No route found to match "/create" with {:method=%gt;:get}

Unfortunately I don't see anything wrong. Any thoughts?

I had a problem with this too... Here's what I did:

  map.upload 'upload/:sid/:file',     :controller => "upload",     :action => "upload",     :store => nil,     :requirements => { :file => /[^\/]+/ }

Note the "requirements" section... it's a regular expression to tell rails what format to expect for that parameter. I'm guessing either the greater-than sign or the colon is confusing rails.

On that note, I'm curious about the %gt; too.. I would have expected > or a percent-escaped hex code...

  Cheers,     Tyler