Wow. I didn't even know there was a git gem. What is that some Ruby
wrapper for Git? Very interesting. I'll have to look into what this is
- sudo apt-get install git-core
- cd to folder where my application "demo" is
- /home/ruby/
- git init
- git status
- git add .
- git commit -m "First V"
- git config --global "Ali Imran"
- git config --global "
now i am running
git push origin master
You didn't list where you added the "origin" remote to your repository.
Did you do that?
git remote show origin
What does that tell you about the remote named "origin?"
If you don't have an "origin" remote then add one with:
git remote add origin <url_to_repository>
and getting error of host and port 22
how to fix this error.
Git needs to know where to push to. A remote named "origin" should
contain that information.
If you clone an exiting repository then Git will kindly add the "origin"
remote for you, which points back to the original repository. But, if
you create a new repository then there is no origin, which should be
kind of obvious.