Getting value from session - syntax help

Hi, I'm trying to make a rails app and although I understand the logic of what I'm trying to do, the syntax used in ruby really confuses me as it seems to do a lot of the work automatically.

I have 3 tables, user, forum and post. They are related as follows: User has_many :posts end

Forum has_many :posts end

Post belongs_to :forum belongs_to :user end

When a user registers or logs in, the user is stored in a session. The user can then add a post to a form by using the default form generated by the scaffold. However, atm, the user can type in any user ID into the form. I would like to delete this part of the form and use the current [:user][:user_id] in it's place but I don't know how to combine this with the already existing params in the controller. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

so you have something like this for login:

after finding user with name/pwd @user=User.find(...) session[:user_id] =

and all following will just do: @current_user = User.find(session[:user_id])

best to be placed in a before_filter

and access usert data like @current_user.posts

I followed an online tutorial for my user login.

I have the following method in my application controller

   def current_user     session[:user]    end

Then before_filter :current_user in my post controller..

I still don't see how I can get the id and use it, sorry, the ruby syntax just makes no sense to me :confused:

ok, this makes sense. most people store only the id in the session. in your case it seems to store the whole user object. but that's ok.

after finding user with name/pwd @user=User.find(...) session[:user] = @user

this function simply returns this object (in Ruby you don't need an explicit return statement, whatever is in the last line will be returned, session[:user] in that case) def current_user   session[:user] end

current_user will give you the whole user and you can get the id:

and access user data like current_user.posts

Hi again. Sorry to be a pain! I can access and display the values fine, but how can I combine the value with the values obtained by the form? For example, if I have a variable

@currentid =

How can I add it to the params in the create method of the controller?

def create     @post =[:post])

I apologise for being slow, but rails confuses me as it seems to do a lot of the work for you, which is great if you understand it but bizzare when you are trying to analyze things.

i don't understand exactly, what you want, but in general: params is a hash to add something just do: params[:key] = value

for a form you have a hash within a hash so you can do: params[:post][:key] = value

so if i get it right you want to do something like params[:post][:user_id] = @currentid

Thanks! I've got it working now:)