Getting the dimensions of an image element

I have a view file, "show.html.erb", and a Javascript file, "coordinate.js".

In coordinate.js" I have methods to calculate the width and height of an image.

How can I call those methods on the "Canvas" in my view.

And, below you can find the scripts of the two files:

* show.html.erb

<%= javascript_include_tag "coordinate" %> <canvas id="draw" height= "512" width="512"> </canvas> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> <p> <b> Name </b> <%= %> </p> <p> <b> Image </b> </p> <div id="image_element" style="display: none;"> <p> <%= image_tag , :id => 'dicom_image' %> </p> </div> <%= update_page_tag do |page| page << "drawImg();" end %> <%= update_page_tag do |page| page << "drawLine();" end %> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_dicom_path(@dicom) %> <%= link_to 'Back', dicoms_path %>

* coordinate.js

function getWidth() {   var image = document.getElementById("dicom_image");   imageWidth = image.width;   return imageWidth;   //alert("Image Width is " + image.width); }

function getHeight(){   var image = document.getElementById("dicom_image");   imageHeight = image.height;   return imageHeight;   //alert("Image Height is " + image.height); }

function imageWidthAndHeight() {   getWidth();   getHeight(); }

function getTopLeftCoordinate() {   x=document.getElementById('dicom_image').offsetLeft   y=document.getElementById('dicom_image').offsetTop   alert(x);   alert(y); }

function getLeftCoordinate() {   left=document.getElementById('dicom_image').offsetLeft   return left; }

function getTopCoordinate() {   top= document.getElementById('dicom_image').offsetTop   return top; }

function drawImg(){   var canvas = document.getElementById("draw");   var context = canvas.getContext("2d");   var image = document.getElementById("dicom_image");   // render the image to the canvas., an then specify the coordinates   //(x,y) that specify where the image will be located at the canvas   context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); }

function drawLine(){   var canvas = document.getElementById('draw');   var context = canvas.getContext('2d');   context.beginPath();   context.moveTo(getLeftCoordinate(), getTopCoordinate());   context.lineTo(100, 200);   context.strokeStyle = "#FFF"   context.stroke(); }


Since I'm using Paperclip, I will ask as follows:

I have the following in my model and view. What should I place instead of ??? in the view (show.html.erb)?


class Dicom < ActiveRecord::Base   has_attached_file :photo, :styles => {:original => ["100%", :jpg]}

  def getHeight()     uploaded_file = photo.queued_for_write[:original]     dimensions = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(uploaded_file)     height = dimensions.height     return height   end

  def getWidth()     uploaded_file = photo.queued_for_write[:original]     dimensions = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(uploaded_file)     width = dimensions.width     return width     end   end

* View:

<%= javascript_include_tag "coordinate" %> <canvas id="draw" height= "<%=??? %>" width="<%=??? %>" > </canvas> <p id="notice"><%= notice %></p> <p> <b> Name </b> <%= %> </p> <p> <b> Image </b> </p> <div id="image_element" style="display: none;"> <p> <%= image_tag , :id => 'dicom_image' %> </p> </div> <%= update_page_tag do |page| page << "drawImg();" end %> <%= update_page_tag do |page| page << "drawLine();" end %> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_dicom_path(@dicom) %> <%= link_to 'Back', dicoms_path %>