getting parameters

Hi i got these parameter in the create controller Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create Tip", "authenticity_token"=>"NCrD6MY1zIIBPMSm5sICH7SB+N/g/pc3MxYKnGOt5o0=", "utf8"=>"✓", "tip"=>{"descripcion"=>"asdf", "tip"=>"asdf", "tiptags_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"tags_id"=>"1"}}}} so i get these   @tip =[:tip])

    puts "Printing @tip[:tiptags_attributes] " =nil     puts @tip.attribute_names    descripcion tip nil

    so how i can get "tiptags_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"tags_id"=>"1"} cause i want to change tags_id,

well, i try, try and try again i cant get it params[:tip][:tiptags_attributes][:"0"][:tags_id]=1 whith the code i can change the attribute

If its a nested attribute you dont need to do any of that

watch this