getting error NoMethodError in Book#new

I'm just getting introduced to rails. I've started with the tutorials mentioned in I am getting stuck at creating a view. Tried the code on this page

and it gives me the following error:

undefined method `title' for #<Book id: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

Here is the extracted source:

1: <h1>Add new book</h1> 2: <% form_tag :action => 'create' do %> 3: <p><label for="book_title">Title</label>: 4: <%= text_field 'book', 'title' %></p> 5: <p><label for="book_price">Price</label>: 6: <%= text_field 'book', 'price' %></p> 7: <p><label for="book_subject">Subject</label>:

Why is this happening?


Have you run all the necessary database migrations? Does the books table have the title and price columns?

<% form_tag ({:action => ‘create’ })do %>

> Have you run all the necessary database migrations? Does the books > table have the title and price columns?

I started all over. When I run the rake db:migrate I get this error:

$rake db:migrate (in /home/deostroll/Desktop/sites/library) == 20090828225043 Books: migrating

Okay don't worry I got that...and its fixed.