Generated By handling CRUD Scaffold

Good afternoon.

I have two questions:

First question: Can be defined at the time that I'm generating the scaffold the size of a string? For example name:string (50)?

Second question: I wonder how to proceed correctly to include new fields starting at a CRUD generated by scaffold.


First step (I use): script/generate scaffold User name:string login:string

Second step (I add the field "password: string" in the User CRUD, This field is a password varchar of 50 characters): Problem --->>> I do not do this modification to add a new field.

If you have any tutorial to make available, or, please specify step-by-step how to proceed.

Best Regards ... Adriano Dias da Silva

Regarding your first question,

You can’t specify the size of the field while you are writing the scaffold command in the command prompt.

But, there’s a way you can do that.

Scaffolding makes a migration file for you, which actually makes the table for your model. You will find your migration file in /db/migrate folder in your application directory. Open your migration and add ,:limit => number after your column name.

Try it out…It worked for me.

regarding your second question, could you be a little more clear about adding on a password field.

Regarding the first question, you can put an example?

Currently in my db / migrate is thus:

class CreateUsuarios < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :usuarios do |t|       t.string :nome       t.string :login

      t.timestamps     end   end

  def self.down     drop_table :usuarios   end end

How to get the code?

Referring to my second question I could find out how. Below is the link to you in Portuguese ...

Best Regards... Adriano Dias da Silva

class CreateUsuarios < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :usuarios do |t| t.string :nome

t.string :login, :limit => 20 e.g t.integer :age , :limit => 2 //Here you set the age to be a now occupies only 2 byte rather than actual 4 bytes of integer t.timestamps end end

This way you can set limits on the size of your columns. Regarding your second question, I am still unable to get what you want to do.