Functional test with exception_notification fails when run with rake, passes when run with Ruby

I've got a wierd problem with a functional test that passes when run individually ('ruby test/functional/exception_notifier.rb') but fails when run as part of 'rake test:functionals'. I'm testing whether a broken page is handled by the exception_notification plugin. Using Mocha ( I set a method called from a partial to throw a RuntimeError so that exception_notification will handle it.

The test is as follows:    def test_broken_home      # plan our exception around a failing testimonial call

Testimonial.expects( :active_testimonials ).raises( RuntimeError )

     # make sure we're not seen as a local request      HomeController.consider_all_requests_local = false

     # count our mails      base_mails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size      bg_mails = ActionMailer::Background.background_deliveries.size

     # get our page      get :index

     # make sure its an error      assert_response :error

     # count our mails      assert_equal base_mails + 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size      assert_equal bg_mails, ActionMailer::Background.background_deliveries.size   end

When run as an individual test everything passes, the exception is handled a 500 is returned and the appropriate mails are sent. When called as part of the functional test suite the RuntimeError causes an error in the test and the response code is 0 with no mails being sent (I put the get :index in a begin rescue block to check this).

I assume the problem is due either to the environment that rake sets up that either prevents exception_notification from handling the exception but I have no ideas at the

Has anyone handled an issue like this before? Any ideas on what to change?


The most likely reason for the difference is you are not declaring a fixture.