formtastic issue


I will try to explain it step by step :slight_smile:

I just created a new rails 3 app, then I created a new controller...

rails generate controller admin::users

I didn't forget to add the resources in the routes.rb file like this.

namespace :admin do   resources :users end

Now I try to use formtastic to create the form but I get erorr that my users_path doesn't exist?

undefined method `users_path' for #<#<Class:0x104169a40>:0x104167df8>

...even though I have created resources for users.

Can someone explain to me what's happening.

Thanks for any help :smiley:


Just in case anyone asked for the code.

It is simple:


you can pass just the array [:admin,@user]

since you nested your route all you helper methods are now nested and passing the usual wont work anymore

from now on is

show admin_user_path(@user) no more using just @user , you can also pass the array [:admin, @user] index admin_users_path new new_admin_user_path edit edit_admin_user_path(@user) destroy destroy_admin_user_path(@user) create [:admin,] update [:admin, @user]

confirm all of the nested routes by doing rake routes , when i doubt use polymorphic_path([:admin,@user]) this method will create the correct path.

forgot to say that with polymorphic_path([:admin,@user]) you can pass the action as a parameter to the array , like this


Thanks for answer radhames,

I just tried it and it works.

But now it doesn't print out the input fields, only the button on the bottom?

did you put the = after <% ?

radhames brito wrote:

did you put the = after <% ?


<% semantic_form_for polymorphic_path([:admin, @user]) do |form| %>   <%= form.inputs %>   <%= form.buttons %> <% end %>

Another issue.

<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/admin/users/new"

It's pointing on the wrong action? it should point to create POST, right?

try this

<% semantic_form_for polymorphic_path([:admin, @user]) do |form| %> <% form.inputs do %>

<%= form.input :name %>

<%= form.input :last_name %> <%end%> <% form.buttons do %> <%=f.commit_button “OMG”% <%end%> <% end %>

You nested the route and the controller when you did this Admin::UsersController so action=“/admin/users/new” is correct in fact your views should be in views/admin/user

class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController

def new @user = end end

you are nesting

if nothing show after this then check if you are creating and instance of user in the user controller

def new @user = end

radhames brito wrote:

try this

<% semantic_form_for polymorphic_path([:admin, @user]) do |form| %> <% form.inputs do %>   <%= form.input :name %>   <%= form.input :last_name %> <%end%> <% form.buttons do %>   <%=f.commit_button "OMG"% <%end%> <% end %>

I just did [:admin, @user] and remove polymorphic and then it point correct :smiley:

Thanx for help

oh, good

radhames, I'm having the exact same issue here. Here's my code:

<%= semantic_form_for polymorphic_path([:admin, @user]) do |f| %>   <%= f.inputs do %>     <%= f.input :first_name %>     <%= f.input :last_name %>     <%= f.input :username %>     <%= f.input :email %>     <%= f.input :password, :as => :password %>     <%= f.input :role, :as => :select, :collection => User.roles.collect {|x| x.to_s } %>   <% end %>   <%= f.buttons %> <% end %>

No matter what I do -- the action that sematic_form_for generates is:


instead of /admin/users

I even tried to add the absolute path

<%= semantic_form_for admin_users_path do |f| %>

and still the action for the form came out to be /admin/users/new

Let me know if there's something I can do to get this working properly.


I switched to simple_form.

It's simple and better :smiley:


semantic_form_for [:admin, @user] do |f|

[… etc]

You shouldn’t need to supply a path at all in this case.


Hehe -- that's awesome ... the [ :admin, @user ] trick worked in formtastic and in simple_form :slight_smile: ...



I thought that was the normal way to do it… :slight_smile: I never put a url into form_for unless it can’t correctly guess it from the object or object array… Glad it solved the problem.


semantic_form_for @user, :url => polymorphic_path( [:admin, @user] ) do |f|

should also works fine.

Robert Pankowecki