Hey there…new to the group but looks like there’s some great discussion going on throughout!
I’m working on a sign up form right now that takes just an email and zip code. It appears that the email and zip code make it as far as the SELECT statements when attempting to save the new user, but when it tries to save said values to their respective columns in the DB the log shows VALUES(null, null). My code looks like this:
profile controller: def rSignIn @retailUser = RetailUser.new(params[:user]) if request.post? if @retailUser.save session[:user] = RetailUser.authenticate(@retailUser.email, @retailUser.location ) flash[:message] = “Signup successful” redirect_to :controller => “browse”, :action => “retailHome” else flash[:warning] = “Signup failed”
retail user model: validates_length_of :email, :within => 6…65 validates_length_of :location, :is => 5 validates_presence_of :email, :location validates_uniqueness_of :email
validates_format_of :email, :with => /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i, :message => “Invalid email”
attr_protected :id
attr_accessor :email, :location
def self.authenticate (email, location) u = find(:first, :conditions => [“user[email]=?”,email]) return nil if u.nil? return u nil end
sign in view: <% form_for :user, @retailUser, :html => {:id => “retailSignInForm”}, :url => { :controller => “profile”, :action => “rSignIn”} do |f| %>
<div class="signInFormLine">
<label for="retailSignInText">Email:</label> <%= f.text_field :email, :id => "retailSignInText", :class=> "text" %>
<div class="signInFormLine">
<label for="retailSignInZip">Zip code:</label> <%= f.text_field :location, :id => "retailSignInZip", :class=> "text" %>
<div class="signInFormLine">
<%= button_to "Sign In", :controller => "profile", :action => "rSignIn" %>
<% end %>
Any clue as to what I’m doing wrong?