Form_for with namespace


I'm new to RoR (came over from PHP). I am working on the backend of my project now, and I'm basically trying to output a form that lets me create a new 'design'.

This is what I have in my routes.rb: map.with_options(:namespace => "admin") do |admin|   admin.resources :designs end

In my design controller: def new   @design = end

In my view for the form: <% form_for([:admin, @design]) do |f| %> <% end %>

When I attempt to view the form page, I get this error: undefined method `admin_designs_path' for #<ActionView::Base: 0x589b760>

I've been following the official guides to a T, so I'm not really sure where I've gone wrong. Anyone able to shed some light about this? Many thanks.

Hi Bryan L wrote:

This is what I have in my routes.rb: map.with_options(:namespace => "admin") do |admin|   admin.resources :designs end

   You have to modify your routes as

map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|        admin.resources :designs end

   And also generate controller and model like script/generate controller Admin::Designs script/generate model Design #field parameters here


Thanks Sijo for the help. I've made the changes according to your suggestions. The error message is now different, but I guess there's some improvement!

"undefined method `^' for "f":String"

My routes.db:   map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|     admin.resources :designs   end

Any ideas??

If the error occurred on that line then it suggests @design is nil (@design is not a model it is a variable). You should set this up in your 'new' action before displaying the view. Something like @design =

If this does not make sense then, if you have not done so already, have a look at the rails guide Getting Started. See


Thanks Coiln. I deleted that message actually because it slipped my mind that the line which I defined @design as a Design model got deleted off when I regenerated the controllers and models. I fixed that already so now I'm stuck with another different undefined method error: undefined method `^' for "f":String

Where does this ^ come from? I've tried searching through Google and other ruby forums but seems like I'm the only one having so much trouble. I guess it might be just something obvious that I just can't get for some reason..!

Thanks Coiln. I deleted that message actually because it slipped my mind that the line which I defined @design as a Design model got deleted off when I regenerated the controllers and models. I fixed that already so now I'm stuck with another different undefined method error: undefined method `^' for "f":String

Where does this ^ come from? I've tried searching through Google and other ruby forums but seems like I'm the only one having so much trouble. I guess it might be just something obvious that I just can't get for some reason..!

I think a lot of people have had this problem, I believe it is a known bug in Rails 2.3.4. I understand the easiest solution is to go down to 2.3.3 if possible.


What about generating normal forms? I can't seem to do it without errors.

<% form_tag do(:method => "get") %> Doing this is fine...

<% form_tag do %> But this gives me the Undefined Method '^' error once more.

Not sure why, but the only difference is that one is a get request, the other is a post. Surely this can't be broken as well? Seems like it may be one of the most basic functions in Rails, and if it were to be broken, too many people would have been affected by it already.

I think it is only an issue with Ruby 1.9 (with rails 2.3.4), but this is only from memory, think a bit more googling (or searching the archives of this list) would be needed to confirm this.


To anyone who is experiencing this problem, there's a patch to rectify this already.

The latest master branch at github should fix this too! Phew...