form_for tag and :id symbol issue


I am new to RoR and practice some ruby/rails language feathers on my toy application. Here is a question about form_for tag in rails.

== the story People profile can be modified by end user, so there is method called "update_profile" in the controller.

== the view

<% form_for :person,@person, :url => |f|%>     <%f.hidden_field :id %>     <%f.text_field :ppl_name%>     ... <% end%>

== the controller def update_profile   person =[:person])   puts

  person.new_record = false; end

When I print out, the value is nil. However, i can set the id using below code = params[:ppl_id] Can someone explain why so weird? Thanks


I think if you are using form_for you need to use update_attributes() to update the record

You don't want to create a new Person, do you? You want to just find the existing person and update it:

person = Person.find(params[:id]) person.update_attributes(params[:person])

And also, new_record is generally something you don't want to touch - rails will control it automatically.
