This form raises undefined method
pictures_path’ for #<#Class:0xaea3ad0:0xbb9cb4c>`
<%= form_for(@picture, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :image %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
This form raises undefined method
pictures_path’ for #<#Class:0xaea3ad0:0xbb9cb4c>`
<%= form_for(@picture, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :image %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
can you show your model and controller file ?
class PicturesController < ApplicationController def index @pictures = Picture.all end
def new @picture = end
def create @picture =
redirect_to current_user_profile_pictures_path, notice: "The picture #{} has been uploaded."
render "new"
def destroy @picture = Picture.find(params[:id]) @picture.destroy redirect_to current_user_profile_pictures_path, notice: “The picture #{} has been deleted.” end
I see you trying upload some picture, please use this gem [1]. You be able in easy way customize your picture uploader.
[1]: [paperclip](
Have you relation between user -> profile -> picture ?
Have you defined that route in routes.rb (via resources: pictures for example)?
I agree with Przemek that you would probably be better off using paperclip for uploading. It makes life very easy.
OK But now, the subject is carrierwave Users has_one profile; Profile has_many pictures as :imageable I’m totally lost, I dunno what role in the upload the controller’s supposed to play since i have the uploader.rb
I wouldn’t disagree Here’s the route: post ‘users/:id/profiles/:id/pictures/new’ => ‘pictures#new’
Look on below situation:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile, :autosave => true
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_attached_file :picture,
:styles => { medium: "300x200>", thumb:
“100x100>” },
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials =>{|a|
validates_attachment_content_type :picture, content_type:
this two class + paperclip and that's enough. I think You don't
need extra model for keeping user profile picture, you can easily add column “picture” in Your Profile model.
thanks, add column picture to the profile model? profiles can have many pictures
many pictures you mean “a few different user profile photo” or you mean “few copy of the same picture but different size/dimension” ?
Many pictures, not just different versions of the same picture
Many pictures for user profile ? I can’t agree but okay. If you have many pictures for one user then you should create Gallery model instead o f Picture. Even on fb user be able to have only one profile picture.
But I don't judge, maybe your solution is effective.
#new is the method used for showing the form, and is a get not a post, form_for needs the route for posting to the create method. If you don't supply a url in the call of form_for it assumes pictures_path which must have been provided using resources: pictures for at least the create method. See [1] for details. I expect that is described in the Rails Guides also.
[1] form_for (ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper) - APIdock
Yes, I’m using bootstrap-image-gallery (an extension of bluimp) Where would I see the table definition for Gallery model?
And how is the file supposed to actually get uploaded, i changed the create action in my pictures controller to look like this but the file didn’t get uploaded
def create @picture = if uploader = picture = params[:imageable]!(picture)
redirect_to user_profile_path(,, notice: “The picture #{} has been uploaded.” else render “new” end end
the docs for paperclip describe as being used for attachments, in my case i’m just uploading files not as attachments
This form raises undefined method `pictures_path' for #<#<Class:0xaea3ad0>:0xbb9cb4c>
<%= form_for(@picture, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>
<p> <%= f.file_field :image %> </p>
<p><%= f.submit %></p>
<% end %>
the docs for paperclip describe as being used for attachments, in my case i'm just uploading files not as attachments
When they refer to attachments in Paperclip, what they mean is that you are attaching a file to a Rails model instance. The model instance is saved in the database, and the file in the filesystem, so it is an attachment if you look at it the way they mean you to.
How do i get the values for imageable_id and imageable_type inserted into a new picture object? i can put imageable_type as a hidden field, but imageable_id i don’t know