form causing error => "Only post requests are allowed"???

Why does the form give the error "Only post requests are allowed." when submitted to my action? I know the form is supposed to be a post. the rake routes looks ok. some reason there is a "_method"=>"put" in the reques parameters, would this cause it? how do i change the form code to prevent this?

## Request ## Parameters: {"commit"=>"Save", "_method"=>"put", "authenticity_token"=>"291f0f51779490f481edec3fef506b14a2797263", "address"=>{"address"=>"123 some street, boston, ma"}}

## rake routes verify_edit_club_address POST /clubs/:club_id/addresses/:id/verify_edit {:controller=>"addresses", :action=>"verify_edit"}

## form.html.erb <% form_for([@club, @address], :url => verify_edit_club_address_path(@club, @address)) do |f| -%>   <p>     <b>Address</b><br />     <%= f.text_area :address %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.submit "Save" %>   </p> <% end -%>

## html of generated form <form action="/clubs/1/addresses/6/verify_edit" class="edit_address" id="edit_address_6" method="post">     <div style="margin:0;padding:0">         <input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put">     <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="291f0f517...">     </div>     <p>       <b>Address</b><br>       <textarea cols="40" id="address_address" name="address[address]" rows="20">         123 some street, boston, ma       </textarea>   </p>     <p>       <input id="address_submit" name="commit" type="submit" value="Save">   </p> </form>

<% form_for([@club, @address], :url => verify_edit_club_address_path(@club, @address)) do |f| -%>

This way, Rails should be able to find out the right method by itself. It depends on the state of @address. If it's generated with @address = and not saved, it'll generate a put, otherwise if it's based on an record in the db, (eg Address.find(...)) it'll be a post

But you can change the form method easy enough if necessary:

<% form_for([@club, @address], :url => verify_edit_club_address_path(@club, @address), :method => :post) do | f> -%>