I know that I want to add "belongs_to" in my "user" model but how can
I enforce a proper constraint on the user_id in "MyTable"? Is this
done using a has_one in the "MyTable" model?
how can I enforce a proper constraint on the user_id in "MyTable"?
If you mean constraints on a database level: you will have to put those in manually. AFAIK Rails itself (e.g. migrations) do not provide support for database level constraints of anything other than datatype (and length). There surely is a plugin around though..
Cool, this helps. One more clarification...since "MyTable" was a
really bad example....
belongs_to :user
has_many :job_postings
So, say I want to link a user to a job posting, a user can have many
job postings but I want to make sure that the user being referenced is
a real user. Is this the correct approach?
Now if your user record is deleted, all it's job postings are also
removed from the DB. Otherwise there 's a big chance you 'll get
nil-errors in your views (eg. when you try to display <%=
job_posing.user.name %>)