Follow the conversation and search relevant sites with What's up in Ruby

Hey all,

We (Atlantic Dominion Solutions) launched this morning. This is a niche site that does two things:

1. Tells you what is going on in the Ruby world (we parse many many RSS feeds). 2. Provides search of sites only relevant to Ruby, including Rails, Merb, Rubinius and more.

Check it out at and let us know what you think. Read the About page to learn what we have in this beta release and what is upcoming for 1.0.

- Rob Dempsey


I think that 503 unavailable doesn't inspire much confidence. I'm pretty sure there's more up than that in the Ruby world. :wink:



I agree with you. We are doing a major update to the site this weekend and should have it up in the beginning of next week. The details are here:

- Robert Dempsey

Hey all,

We just released a major update to What's up in Ruby. And an FYI, it is 100% Ruby and Rails!

Check out the site here: Learn about this update here:

We look forward to more of your feedback. Thanks again.


Robert Dempsey