First page

Hello all..

I am new to ruby development...

I have completed the connection to Mysql and installation and i got the welcome page.

Next i want to make a page with some user details and i need to save the data in to can i use text box, combo, option button, check box, and use of button in my html page?

How can i get data from these controls to save or get in another page? how the flow is going...??

i didnt get a good tutorial regarding this... Can u help me out for this??

Sorry for the simple question

Regards Rohi

Well this is very simple, Its nice to here that you have done almost all the initial work. Just follow the following steps given on the following page:

this will guide you through the whole flow of ROR. And I am going to upload a very helpful book soon.


Shahroon Ali Khan

Thanks shahroon ,

Thanks for the post. Badly i need to know that, Once i create a form say html, So once i click or do an action wat will happend exactly?? Is it come to controller firest and then to view?? i want to knw this basic thnings...without using model and scaffold can i do the functions search, delete etc by using query like we use in php website?? and u have any tutorial for this??

Regards Rohi

You are always welcome: Well Rohit I have uploaded a very handy book on my Blog The Opera Blog - News | Opera answers of your most of questions will be cleared from there and if you still have any queries can ask me any time.

Thanks & Regards, Shahroon Ali Khan