first day on rails...and already hamstrung!

I'm reading along with "Ajax on Rails" (2007) and the first exercise goes like this:

rails example cd example script/generate controller chap2 myaction script/server

Then editing example/app/views/myaction.html.erb to look like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascipt"> function fone() {   var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', '/chap2/somewords', false);   request.send(null);   alert(request.responseText); } </script> <h2 onclick="fone();">Hello World?</h1>

Firebug then says fone() is not defined. In the book the script is after the html but this does not matter.

What's the deal? I have not tried src'ing an external script (as I am not sure where I would put that). I can't really proceed if the js in the view is just going to be ignored. I also added the language="javascript", as this seems to be necessary sometimes in normal html pages, but this does not help.

I'm reading along with "Ajax on Rails" (2007)

a bit old, but ...

and the first exercise goes like this:

Then editing example/app/views/myaction.html.erb to look like this:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascipt">

What's the deal? I have not tried src'ing an external script (as I am not sure where I would put that). I can't really proceed if the js in the view is just going to be ignored. I also added the language="javascript", as this seems to be necessary sometimes in normal html pages, but this does not help.

1) the language attribute is not only not "necessary", it's deprecated;     don't use it.

2) spell text/javascript correctly and it should work as intended.