May 17, 2007, 4:53am
I'm following <> ;
<http://localhost:3000/hello> ; gives:
Find me in app/views/hello/index.rhtml"
which is the expected output. What's not expected is:
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ cat /home/thufir/dummy/views/hello/world.rhtml
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ ll /home/thufir/dummy/views/hello/
total 8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 thufir thufir 11 May 16 19:34 world.rhtml
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ ll /home/thufir/dummy/views/
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 thufir thufir 4096 May 16 19:29 hello
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ date
Thu May 17 05:51:41 BST 2007
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
[thufir@localhost dummy]$
so, where's this file "index.rhtml" at then, please?
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ man find
May 17, 2007, 8:55am
> I'm following <> ;
> so, where's this file "index.rhtml" at then, please?
[thufir@localhost dummy]$ man find
If I have to create it, then it's not to be found until I create it.
May 17, 2007, 8:58am
Hope no one minds the long post, but I'm getting a bit more
comfortable with stuff, so here's where I'm at now, I got the "hello
world" text to show the way I want. Googling on how to do a query
(view?) of the database now
[thufir@localhost ~]$
[thufir@localhost ~]$
[thufir@localhost ~]$ ./ruby.txt
Thu May 17 09:50:40 BST 2007
Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
cat /etc/fedora-release
cat /home/thufir/ruby.txt
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
#echo "rails dummy..."
rails dummy
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
#echo "ruby /home/thufir/dummy/script/generate controller hello..."
ruby /home/thufir/dummy/script/generate controller hello
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "hello world" > /home/thufir/dummy/app/views/hello/index.rhtml
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
#echo "ruby script/server..."
ruby /home/thufir/dummy/script/server
exists app/controllers
exists app/helpers
exists app/models
exists app/views/layouts
exists config/environments
exists components
exists db
exists doc
exists lib
exists lib/tasks
exists log
exists public/images
exists public/javascripts
exists public/stylesheets
exists script/performance
exists script/process
exists test/fixtures
exists test/functional
exists test/integration
exists test/mocks/development
exists test/mocks/test
exists test/unit
exists vendor
exists vendor/plugins
exists tmp/sessions
exists tmp/sockets
exists tmp/cache
exists tmp/pids
identical Rakefile
identical README
identical app/controllers/application.rb
identical app/helpers/application_helper.rb
identical test/test_helper.rb
identical config/database.yml
identical config/routes.rb
identical public/.htaccess
identical config/boot.rb
identical config/environment.rb
identical config/environments/production.rb
identical config/environments/development.rb
identical config/environments/test.rb
identical script/about
identical script/breakpointer
identical script/console
identical script/destroy
identical script/generate
identical script/performance/benchmarker
identical script/performance/profiler
identical script/process/reaper
identical script/process/spawner
identical script/process/inspector
identical script/runner
identical script/server
identical script/plugin
overwrite public/dispatch.rb? [Ynaqd] a
forcing app
force public/dispatch.rb
force public/dispatch.cgi
force public/dispatch.fcgi
identical public/404.html
identical public/500.html
identical public/index.html
identical public/favicon.ico
identical public/robots.txt
identical public/images/rails.png
identical public/javascripts/prototype.js
identical public/javascripts/effects.js
identical public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
identical public/javascripts/controls.js
identical public/javascripts/application.js
identical doc/README_FOR_APP
identical log/server.log
identical log/production.log
identical log/development.log
identical log/test.log
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
exists app/views/hello
exists test/functional/
identical app/controllers/hello_controller.rb
identical test/functional/hello_controller_test.rb
identical app/helpers/hello_helper.rb
=> Booting WEBrick...
=> Rails application started on
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server; call with --help for options
[2007-05-17 09:50:57] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2007-05-17 09:50:57] INFO ruby 1.8.5 (2007-03-13) [i386-linux]
[2007-05-17 09:50:57] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=6951
port=3000 - - [17/May/2007:09:51:24 BST] "GET /dummies/list HTTP/1.1"
404 626
- -> /dummies/list - - [17/May/2007:09:51:32 BST] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 12
- -> /hello
[2007-05-17 09:51:40] INFO going to shutdown ...
[2007-05-17 09:51:40] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.
[thufir@localhost ~]$
[thufir@localhost ~]$
May 17, 2007, 9:12am
Heh, just added the scaffold line,
ruby /home/thufir/dummy/script/generate scaffold dummy
to the bash script so now <http://localhost:3000/dummies/list> ;
I'm trying to get this working with a legacy database, so am a bit
torn as to whether to continue with dummies or try working with a copy
of the real database. Hmm, the scaffold seems so powerful that I
think I'll start working on a scaffold for the legacy database.
Just like the message tells you:
Find me in app/views/hello/index.rhtml"
you will find it in “app/views/hello/index.rhtml” below your application root.