Hi, I'm upgrading an old 1.2 application to latest 2.2 and I got an error which is certainly due to :include
@factures = Facture.find(:all, :include => [[:forfait => :vehicule] => :client], :conditions => ["MONTH(factures.date_emission) = ? AND YEAR(factures.date_emission) = ?", @mois, @annee], :order => 'clients.nom')
This code produces an error
You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.macro
Does the :include option have changed its behaviour?
It did change slightly. I suspect that you originally got lucky: your include clause is
[[:forfait => :vehicule] => :client]
which ruby parses as [{[{:forfait=>:vehicule}]=>:client}]
which isn''t the type of structure that rails is expecting (but obviously happened to work in the past). It looks like what you should be saying is
{:forfait => {:vehicule => :client}}