filter_parameter_logging not working?

Well, it looks straightforward, but including the line:

filter_parameter_logging :password

in my application.rb, and in my account_controller is having no discernable effect. I'm using acts_as_authenticated, with all the standard stuff from December, '07.

Did I misread the instructions?

  Parameters: {"commit"=>"Log in", "action"=>"login", "controller"=>"account", "password"=>"somepassword", "login"=>"icewoman"}

Is this on your production server? You will need to restart the running mongrel cluster or apache for it to reload the changes.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I have tried it on both my production and development platforms. And restarted the server on each.

Sounds like what I typed looks right, at least...

Still haven't had any luck. Can anyone provide additional advice?

Case closed:

An experience Rails programmer buddy of mine figured it out after looking at my code. I had two lines in there, not one. The second line was: filter_parameter_logging :password_confirmation. It was overwriting my filter for password. When I combined the two lines into one: filter_parameter_logging :password, :password_confirmation, it started working.