file upload with REST POST?

Does anyone know how I exactly I would post a file from a non-web client? In my case, I want to upload different file formats (.csv, .txt, etc) from the client's file system. How does this work exactly if I'm not using a browser? What would be the format for the .REST POST?

I'm using a .NET client new to that and not sure exactly how to POST an external file from a non-web client through REST

Thanks Chirag

PS. I'm using attachment_fu plugin which automatically creates a REST controller on the server side

You would send the file just like a browser would. Use a multi-part form with your file attached.

Here's an example of sending a file with curl:

curl -F password=@/etc/passwd

Notice the -F tells curl to use multipart/form-data according to RFC1867.

If curl can do it, I'm betting that .Net can too. :slight_smile:

I don't completely understand the "-F" switch

Is "password=@/etc/passwd" a path on the file system?

How would I send a .csv file in the same directory?

password is the field name and /etc/passwd is the file (on the file system) you want to upload.

I tried the following comnmand curl -F "uploaded_data=@curltest.docx" http://localhost:3000/raw_data_files/create


and got the following errors from attachment_fu (file upload) plugin

There were problems with the following fields:     * Content type can't be blank     * Size is not included in the list     * Size can't be blank     * Filename can't be blank

Here's my view which works fine on the upload (unlike cURL): <%= error_messages_for :raw_data_file %>

<% form_for(:raw_data_file, :url => raw_data_files_path, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |form| %>   <p>     <label for="uploaded_data">Upload a file:</label>     <%= form.file_field :uploaded_data %>   </p>

  <p> <%= submit_tag "Create" %> </p> <% end %>

How do I manually set the filename, size, and content type in cURL?
