fields_for and form_remote_for not work properly

I think I'm not the first to ask this question.

I have a fields_for within a form_remote_for and this not work properly , the remote_form_for serialize strangely all params passed by fields_for.

with a form_for it's work perfectly.

Rails -v = 2.3.8

any help ?

I think I'm not the first to ask this question.

I have a fields_for within a form_remote_for and this not work properly , the remote_form_for serialize strangely all params passed by fields_for.

What do the params look like ? What does your form look like ?


/////////// Partial <%= error_messages_for :company %>     <% form_remote_for :company , :url =>{:action => :update_notif} , :html=>{} do |f| -%>   <div id="notifications">     <%= add_notification_link("Add notification") %>     <table class="list">       <tr id="tr_id_1"><th>Email</th><th colspan="2">Label</th></tr>       <%= render :partial => "companies/notification" , :collection => @company.notifications%>     </table>   </div> <%= f.submit "Save"%>


////////// _notification.html.erb

<% new_or_existing = notification.new_record? ? 'new' : 'existing' %> <% prefix = "company[#{new_or_existing}_notification_attributes]" %> <% fields_for prefix, notification do |notification_form| -%>

  <tr>     <td>       <% id = new_or_existing == "new" ? "company_new_notification_attributes_email" : nil %>       <%= notification_form.text_field_with_auto_complete :email, {:id=> id} ,         {:url => {:controller=>:autocompletes , :action=>"for_company_notifications_email"},         :method => :get,         :frequency=>0.2,         :skip_style => true,         :select =>"email",         :with => "'text_field_val=' + element.value"       }     %>     </td>     <td>       <%= notification_form.text_field(:label) %>     </td>     <td>       <% if new_or_existing == "new" %>         <%= link_to_function "<img src='/images/delete.png'>", "$ (this).up('tr').remove()" %>       <% else %>         <%= link_to_delete :notifications,:destroy, %>

      <%end%>     </td>   </tr> <% end -%>

any help?

with form_for :

Parameters: {"company"=>{"new_notification_attributes"=>[{"label"=>"", "email"=>""}, {"label"=>"", "email"=>""}], "existing_notification_attributes"=>{"3"=>{"label"=>"test", "email"=>""}}}

with form_remote_for :

Parameters: {"company"=>{"new_notification_attributes"=>[{"label"=>""}, { "email"=>""}, {"label"=>""}, {"email"=>""}], "existing_notification_attributes"=>{"3"=>{"label"=>"test", "email"=>""}}}


with form_for :

Parameters: {"company"=>{"new_notification_attributes"=>[{"label"=>"", "email"=>""}, {"label"=>"", "email"=>""}], "existing_notification_attributes"=>{"3"=>{"label"=>"test", "email"=>""}}}

Have you had a look at the actual body of the post (ie before rails tries to parse it)? at a guess it looks like prototype may be serializing the form in an unexpected way. Can you reduce this to a minimal test case ?
