Hi All,

I want to convert a video file which is located at the Amazon-S3 Store, through ffmpeg. How can it b possible? please help me if anyone have any idea.

for ex:- is it possible to execute following command:-

system "ffmpeg -i 'http://s3.amazonaws.com/discoveryfour/001.igor_nay_telstra%20copy.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=1QM20RW1CJAFGTH5YHR2&Expires=1253689953&Signature=DXBh2HOXqAknQrloHdLTNP%2FwZ2w%3Dā€™ -b 64k 'salil.avi' "

Thanks in Advance.

Regards, Salil Gaikwad

Hi Salil,

I use the aws/s3 Ruby gem (http://amazon.rubyforge.org/) to download the file and then operate on it locally. In my case I'm doing it from an EC2 instance so there's no charge for the file transfer and it is pretty fast.

Good luck, Michael Slade mslade@adlibmedia.com