fastercsv, parse columns into hash/array

I am importing a csv file with the following code. I need to be able to load the file into a hash or an array so that I can access the values in each column and row individually. There aore 14 columns in each row and the number of rows varies from file to file. I have no idea how to do this as I am a complete noob to the cvs libray and could only find limited documentation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

    @transactions =     FasterCSV.foreach("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/MyExport.csv") do |row|       @transactions << row     end


    @transactions =     row_number = 0     @balance = 0     FasterCSV.foreach("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/MyExport.csv") do |row|       transaction = => row[0],                                    :transaction_type => row[1],                                    :amount => row[2],                                    :description => row[4],                                    :account_type => row[11],                                    :account_number => row[12],                                    :account_alias => row[13])       if row_number > 1         @balance += transaction[:amount]         @transactions << transaction       end       row_number += 1     end

biqut2 .. wrote: