Facebook canvas app with rails3

I'm writing facebook canvas application with Rails3 using omniauth-facebook gem. The few moments are not clear:

    Rdirect after sing in (in '/auth/facebook/callback' => 'session#create'):     After successful sing_in if user is redirected to root_url it sometime arrives to my canvas page URL (http://localhost:3000) outside of the frame. On other hand, when redirecting him to my app url (Log into Facebook) it sometime stacks on blank page inside the frame. So how to handle this redirect correctly?

    What is a proper way to link between pages inside my app? Currently I use relative links and top.location url is always stay my app url (Log into Facebook). But I saw that many facebook apps redirect the client top.location (Log into Facebook)… It raises one more question:

    Now facebook always fetch my app into the iframe using POST method. How to handle this behavior in RESTful rails application?

I'd very thankful for any advices...

(ruby on rails 3 - Facebook canvas app with rails3 - Stack Overflow)