f.check_box help

I have a mySQL table with a bit field called Monday, which is either 0 or 1, 1 being 'checked' and 0 being 'not checked'. The default is 0.

I have a check_box form helper:

<%= f.label :Monday %><%= f.check_box :Monday %>

Which outputs HTML as follows:

<label for="service_Monday">Monday</label><input name="service[Monday]" type="hidden" value="0" /><input id="service_Monday" name="service[Monday]" type="checkbox" value="1" />

Whatever I do, whether check or not check, the value stored in the database is always 1, I have tried setting different default values but nothing seems to help.

Can you advise what I'm doing wrong please? Thank ou

Whatever I do, whether check or not check, the value stored in the database is always 1, I have tried setting different default values but nothing seems to help.

Can you advise what I'm doing wrong please? Thank ou

What's in your controller ? Does the sql being executed look sane ?


Frederick Cheung wrote:

Whatever I do, whether check or not check, the value stored in the database is always 1, I have tried setting different default values but nothing seems to help.

Can you advise what I'm doing wrong please? Thank ou

What's in your controller ? Does the sql being executed look sane ?


You mean this?

  def create     @service_availability = ServiceAvailability.new(params[:service_availability])

    respond_to do |format|       if @service_availability.save         flash[:notice] = 'ServiceAvailability was successfully created.'         format.html { redirect_to(@service_availability) }         format.xml { render :xml => @service_availability, :status => :created, :location => @service_availability }       else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @service_availability.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }       end     end   end

or ...

  def new     @service_availability = ServiceAvailability.new

    respond_to do |format|       format.html # new.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @service_availability }     end   end

In my app, I wanted different default value when checked, so I did something like this after looking at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/FormHelper.html#M001612:

  <%= form.check_box :country_id, {}, "254, "0" %>

and it has worked for me.

In your case, it would be:

  <%= form.check_box :Monday, {}, "1", "0" %>

although the way you have it should work..

Frederick Cheung wrote: def create @service_availability = ServiceAvailability.new(params[:service_availability])

You're doing this, but that checkbox submits params[:service][:Monday] so it won't ever be used.


Anyone, please?

Is it possible that you have another form field (hidden) with the same name defined later on in the form?

khagimoto wrote:

Is it possible that you have another form field (hidden) with the same name defined later on in the form?

<h1>New Service Availability</h1>

<% form_for(@service_availability) do |f| %>   <%= f.error_messages %>   <p>     <%= f.hidden_field :ServiceProviderID, :value => 1 %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.label :Service %><br />     <%= f.collection_select :ServiceID, ServiceProviderService.all, :ID, :Name, :include_blank => 'None' %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.label :Monday %><%= f.check_box :Monday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Tuesday %><%= f.check_box :Tuesday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Wednesday %><%= f.check_box :Wednesday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Thursday %><%= f.check_box :Thursday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Friday %><%= f.check_box :Friday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Saturday %><%= f.check_box :Saturday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Sunday %><%= f.check_box :Sunday, {}, "1", "0" %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.label :TimeStart %><br />     <%= f.text_field :TimeStart %>     <%= time_select(:TimeStart, "sunrise") %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.label :TimeFinish %><br />     <%= f.text_field :TimeFinish %>     <%= time_select(:TimeFinish, "sunrise") %>   </p>   <p>     <%= f.submit 'Create' %>   </p> <% end %>

<%= link_to 'Back', service_availabilities_path %> <%= link_to 'Service Providers', service_providers_path %>

Anyone, please?

So have you figured out where this is going wrong ? Do the parameters that you see in the log look ok ? Does the sql your app execute ok ? Have you tried stepping through your app with the debugger to pinpoint where things are going wrong ?


I'm scanning this thread, you mentioned that your output is:

<label for="service_Monday">Monday</label><input name="service [Monday]" type="hidden" value="0" /><input id="service_Monday" name="service[Monday]" type="checkbox" value="1" />

You -cannot- have two input fields both containing the same name value.

I assume the value from the last input field will be the one the browser uses.

You have: <input id="service_Monday" name="service[Monday]" type="checkbox" value="1" />

Which means that even if it is not checked, the checkbox will return a value of 1. And being the last input with that name, your form will always have the value=1.

What I think would be more helpful is: <input type=checkbox ... checked /> (not value="1")

Also, write an javascript function that is fired onsubmit that checks both the checkbox and the hidden value and stores the approprite value in the parameter before it goes to the server.

If you look at my code included above, I'm not outputting that second input field

<label for="service_Monday">Monday</label><input name="service [Monday]" type="hidden" value="0" /><input id="service_Monday" name="service[Monday]" type="checkbox" value="1" />

It just generates the second hidden field, I don't know why, this is my code

<%= f.label :Monday %><%= f.check_box :Monday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Tuesday %><%= f.check_box :Tuesday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Wednesday %><%= f.check_box :Wednesday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Thursday %><%= f.check_box :Thursday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Friday %><%= f.check_box :Friday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Saturday %><%= f.check_box :Saturday, {}, "1", "0" %><%= f.label :Sunday %><%= f.check_box :Sunday, {}, "1", "0" %>

Well, actually, you can. :slight_smile:

  <Forms in HTML documents;

You just have to process appropriately.


Not true, and including the same parameter more than once is actually quite common.

Rails adds the hidden input tag for you on purpose. It's to get around the problem that when a checkbox is left unchecked, browsers don't even send the form parameter in the request. So if the checkbox is left unchecked, you'll get one value sent for the parameter - the "0" defined in the hidden field. If you check the box, you get two values sent - the "0" from the hidden field, and "1" for the check box, in that order. The latter will overwrite the former in Rails' (i.e. Rack's) parameter munging code.
