extending the Rails Recipies sortable list example to include multiple lists

Hi all

I have a site design with 3 sortable lists on the same page. i want to be able to drag my <li>s between <ul>s if that makes sense. how can i change the example code to do this:


class GroceryListController < ApplicationController   layout "standard"

  def show     @grocery_list = GroceryList.find(params[:id])   end   # ...

  def sort     @grocery_list = GroceryList.find(params[:id])     @grocery_list.food_items.each do |food_item|       food_item.position = params['grocery- list'].index(food_item.id.to_s) + 1       food_item.save     end     render :nothing => true   end



<h2><%= @grocery_list.person.name %>'s Grocery List</h2> <h3><%= @grocery_list.name %></h3>

<ul id="grocery-list">   <% @grocery_list.food_items.each do |food_item| %>   <li id="item_<%= food_item.id %>" style='color:'>   <%= food_item.quantity %> units of <%= food_item.name %>   </li>   <% end %> </ul>


<%= sortable_element 'grocery-list',       :url => { :action => "sort", :id => @grocery_list },       :complete => visual_effect(:highlight, 'grocery-list') %>

Doesn't anyone know a tutorial for this?
