I’m looking to extend the ImageAnalyzer built into ActiveStorage to add some metadata around the location of faces in the image (if any). There doesn’t seem to be a way to hook into analysis at this point, so I just thought I’d check if that’s truely the case? It seems like it’d be useful to allow for additional analysis such as this. Currently I’m going for something like this:
module FaceAnalyser
def metadata
metadata = super
read_image do |image|
metadata[:primary_face] = [1, 1, 1, 1]
module ActiveStorage
class Analyzer::ImageAnalyzer < Analyzer
prepend FaceAnalyser
Would there be an appetite for adding the ability to register additional image analysers as a feature?
Thanks @brenogazzola, I guess the only potential downside there is if the built in image analyser is changed to do more, your metadata method overwrites the method of the inherited class and so you’d miss out on the new analysis. Probably not a major. I suppose you could call super first?
def metadata
super.tap do |metadata|
download_blob_to_tempfile do |file|
metadata.merge! FaceDetection::Analyzer.new(file, blob.content_type).analyze
Yeah, guess super and merge is a good option. That said, if you are building custom analyzer you have specific needs you have handled and any extra fields that might be added later you would not be interested?