Export to pdf (graph output)

So i have tasks, with start time, end time, the usual stuff, and i need to export all the info to pdf (description, owner, relations, etc)

Export text to pdf shouldn't be a problem, there are many tutorials who explain it

I also need to export a gant chart (need some way to make a screenshot from the gantt i have, or make it from the data). making it from data would be perfect, some eye candy, would also be good.

Graphviz was what come to mind to do it, is it the best? should i use an alternative(something to make charts).

So what gems should i use, do you know a tutorials who implements similar stuff?

Cumps Celso Costa

You can do it inside the PDF, this would make a lighter file, and a vector graph, wich behaves nice with zoom and print. Inside PDF::Writer's Manual (http://ruby-pdf.rubyforge.org/pdf-writer/) you have a "Graphics" part, there are good examples.


Franco Catena.

thx man, in my online searches, to draw the gantt, i would need to combine more than one gem (one to draw and then export as image, other to send it to a pdf)

this seems good, gonna wrestle a bit with it

Regards Celso Costa

after checking pdf::writer, i decided to use prawn (http:// prawn.majesticseacreature.com/ and http://www.cracklabs.com/prawnto), it has a couple of interesting features

Regards Celso Costa