I have a rails app and a jar file. I want my jar file to execute when the user presses a button on the webpage. Please tell me how to do that.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.
I have a rails app and a jar file. I want my jar file to execute when the user presses a button on the webpage. Please tell me how to do that.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation.
You can use system call to execute jar file.
# Change to the directory where jar resides Dir.chdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/<dirname>/") do
# Execute jar retResult = system("<path to java> -jar <jarname> <args 1> <args 2> .. <args n> ")
if retResult Jar executes succesfully else error in executing jar file.
end #chdir
Thanks Senling
Thanks a lot for your reply, I tried to do that but not getting it... Can you please give an example to it...
Thank you Senling.
That worked perfectly fine. No need of an example now.
# create a diretory named 'jars' (any name) inside public directory and move your jar file inside this directory.
def exjar
args1= "" args2 = ""
Dir.chdir("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/jars/") do
# i'm using linux environment. If windows environment, change the path to the java according to the java directory installed in your machine.
retResult = system("/home/user1/java/jdk1.6.0_07/bin/java -jar Sample.jar #{args1} #{args2}")
end #chdir
If you get error while running this, please post the error here.
Thanks Senling
Hey Senling... Can you please tell me one more thing... I have posted a topic on this group about sending database table data to text files... I humbly request you to please reply to that.
Here is the link... http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-talk/browse_thread/thread/ddd564cb70dbb202