I need to execute a "SET SQL_MODE='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'" after my
application's DB connection is established by AcriveRecord. This is
important since I want the DB itself be more strict about logical data
Which is the proper place within application code from where I can issue
this query?
Tried to make an ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute() in an
initializer, but it only runs once after server startup. At next request
the connection is re-created, but initializers aren't invoked.
I need to execute a "SET SQL_MODE='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'" after my
application's DB connection is established by AcriveRecord. This is
important since I want the DB itself be more strict about logical data
Which is the proper place within application code from where I can issue
this query?
Tried to make an ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute() in an
initializer, but it only runs once after server startup. At next request
the connection is re-created, but initializers aren't invoked.
In 2.2.2 there doesn't seem to be a callback when a connection
is established & re-established, so try an initializer like
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdaptor.class_eval do
def connect_with_strict
alias_method_chain :connect, :strict