establish_connection is slow

Hey Guys, I am running a service which has one controller action. I am connected to external db. For any db query, I am getting slow response. Looks like execution time is ok, but still there is some other delay which I am not able to figure out. When I am running this endpoint I am getting the following rails logging statement. I can understand active_record time, but don’t know the remaining response time. I also tried to get the time spend for the method function1(mentioned in the below code), which is exactly same as total time(3561 ms)

Completed 200 OK in 3561.5ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 644.8ms)

Here is my code

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

if Rails.env != ‘test’



class << self

def function1







adapter: ‘sqlserver’

mode: ‘dblib’

host: ‘MyHost’

username: ‘username’

password: ‘secret’

database: ‘MyDB’

pool: 1

Hey Guys, I am running a service which has one controller action. I am connected to external db. For any db query, I am getting slow response. Looks like execution time is ok, but still there is some other delay which I am not able to figure out. When I am running this endpoint I am getting the following rails logging statement. I can understand active_record time, but don’t know the remaining response time. I also tried to get the time spend for the method function1(mentioned in the below code), which is exactly same as total time(3561 ms)

Completed 200 OK in 3561.5ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 644.8ms)

Here is my code

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

if Rails.env != ‘test’ establish_connection(“#{Rails.env}”) end

class << self
def function1 self.first end end end


development: adapter: ‘sqlserver’ mode: ‘dblib’ host: ‘MyHost’ username: ‘username’ password: ‘secret’ database: ‘MyDB’ pool: 1

Write a simple shell script to connect and run a query and see how long that takes. That will tell you if it is an issue connecting to the remote db
