error while testing validatesformatof

Sijo, what is the correct format for a name? In any case, your regular expression

says that the format for the name should be a comma. Thus, you might want to

rework your regular expression so that it supports the correct naming format.

Good luck,


Hi    I got an answer to use this

/(?>\w+\s*(?=,))+/ (A regex that does not contain comma - Ruby - Ruby-Forum)

But this in the unless case dont know how to negate this?

Thanks Sijo

Conrad Taylor wrote: [...]

Sijo, what is the correct format for a name? In any case, your regular expression says that the format for the name should be a comma.

No, it says that the name should *contain* a comma (although your brackets are superfluous).

Thus, you might want to rework your regular expression so that it supports the correct naming format.

Yes indeed. If you are requiring names not to have commas, perhaps you want /^[^,]*$/ or something.

However, it may be better from a usability perspective to not have this validation -- instead, just remove the commas from the user's input.


Conrad Taylor wrote:


Sijo, what is the correct format for a name? In any case, your regular


says that the format for the name should be a comma.

No, it says that the name should contain a comma (although your

brackets are superfluous).

validates_format_of :name, :with => /[,]/

is saying that the name should have the pattern, ‘,’. The definition

of ‘validates_format_of’ has the following documentation:

Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is of the

correct form by matching it against the regular expression provided.

His initial regular express had the correct syntax and there wasn’t a problem with

the brackets. However, he wasn’t using the correct regular expression for the type

of names that he wanted to store in his name field.
