Error running rake db:test:prepare

Hey all,

I am getting syntax errors in my schema.rb when I run rake db:test:prepare. In my migrations, I have created columns that look like this...

add_column :prizes, :"paypal_amount", :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :null=>false, :default=>0

and this works fine and creates the column correctly in the DB. The corresponding line in schema.rb that gets created looks like this (the paypal_error column is shown for context)...

.... t.column "paypal_amount", :decimal, :limit => 8, :default => #<BigDecimal:43fac10,'0.0',4(8)>, :null => false t.column "paypal_error", :string

Now when I run rake db:test:prepare, I get errors like the following..

C:/InstantRails-2.0-win/rails_apps/chicago/db/schema.rb:93: syntax error, unexpe cted ',', expecting kEND     t.column "paypal_error", :string

It seems that the "BigDecimal" syntax that rails creates in schema.rb is not correct, but I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if this is a bug. I tried recreating schema.rb running rake db:schema:dump, but it did not help. I'm running Rails 2.1.1 with postgres 8.3.1.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Keith

Hey all,

I am getting syntax errors in my schema.rb when I run rake db:test:prepare. In my migrations, I have created columns that look like this...

add_column :prizes, :"paypal_amount", :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2, :null=>false, :default=>0

and this works fine and creates the column correctly in the DB. The corresponding line in schema.rb that gets created looks like this (the paypal_error column is shown for context)...

.... t.column "paypal_amount", :decimal, :limit => 8, :default => #<BigDecimal:43fac10,'0.0',4(8)>, :null => false t.column "paypal_error", :string

It's definitely that default which is wrong. Probably something bust with the schema dumper.
